Optical Brightener

Optical brighteners, also known as fluorescent whitening agents, are your secret weapon for crafting exceptionally white and vibrant plastics. These ingenious additives work their magic by absorbing invisible ultraviolet (UV) light and converting it into visible blue light, resulting in a brighter, whiter, and more visually stunning final product.

Optical Brighteners: Enhancing Whiteness and Aesthetics in Plastics

Optical brighteners, also known as fluorescent whitening agents, are additives used within the plastics industry to enhance the visual properties of polymers. Their primary function is to amplify whiteness and create a brighter, more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How it Works:

These additives absorb ultraviolet (UV) light, invisible to the human eye, and convert it into visible blue light. This emitted blue light, when combined with the reflected visible light, results in a perceived increase in whiteness and overall vibrancy of the plastic.

Optical brighteners find use in a variety of plastic applications, including:

  • Packaging: Enhance the visual appeal of packaging, making products stand out on shelves and attracting consumer attention.
  • Housewares: Create brighter and more aesthetically pleasing household items, improving overall product perception.
  • Textiles: Improve the whiteness and appearance of synthetic fibers used in textiles.
  • Masterbatches: When incorporated into masterbatches, they offer pre-dispersed whitening for consistent results throughout the manufacturing process.


  • Compatibility: Different optical brighteners are compatible with various types of plastics. Choosing the right one is crucial for optimal performance.
  • Dosage: Overuse can lead to undesired blue hues. Finding the optimal dosage ensures the desired level of whiteness without compromising aesthetics.
  • Applications: While effective in whitening, they may not fully mask discoloration caused by other factors like pigments or degradation.

In conclusion, optical brighteners are valuable tools for plastic manufacturers seeking to enhance the whiteness and visual appeal of their products. Understanding their function, applications, and considerations is essential for selecting and using them effectively.